Thinking 2 Think

Navigate the Future of Work: Avoid AI Replacement & Thrive in the AI-Driven Era

November 20, 2023 Michael Antonio Aponte Season 2 Episode 5

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In today's rapidly evolving world, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the landscape of work, leaving many wondering about their future employment prospects. In this insightful episode, we'll delve into the careers most susceptible to AI disruption and uncover the 5 essential skills and knowledge you'll need to thrive in the AI-driven era.

Key takeaways:

  • Discover the 6 careers most likely to be replaced by AI
  • Equip yourself with the 5 skills and knowledge that will be in high demand
  • Learn actionable strategies to prepare for the future of work and avoid AI replacement

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M Aponte: Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the way we work, and it is important to think critically about what these changes mean for our future. So today we will be discussing the careers that are most likely in danger and the skills and knowledge that will be in-demand in the future workspace. But before we begin, don't forget to like share and subscribe to this podcast. We do not find any marketing, so it is all about word of mouth. So let's build a critical thinking society together.

M Aponte: Hello and welcome to Thinking to Think the podcast that helps you to think critically about the world around you. I'm your host, Michael Antonio Aponte, also known as Mr. A, also known as a Aponte. In this episode, we'll be discussing the following skills and knowledge that will be in demand and the future of work. One critical thinking and problem solving skills. Two Communication and collaboration skills. Three Adaptability and Resilience. Four Technical Skills. Five Leadership and Management Skills. We will also discuss some careers that are likely to be replaced by AI in the next 5 to 10 years. But first, let's focus on demand. The positive side of things. Let's start with critical thinking and problem solving skills. A.I. is a good automating task, but it struggles with complex problems that requires critical thinking and creativity. Humans will need to be able to think critically about the problems that I can't solve and come up with new and innovative solutions. For example, I can be used to automate the process of diagnosing diseases, but it cannot make decisions about how to treat those diseases. Humans will need to be able to use the information provided by A.I. to provide personalized treatment plans for patients. So you have your medical doctors, for example, your physical therapists, what have you. I can't solve the individual's needs. It can give you options. Of course they can give you recommendations. But in the end, it takes a professional to think critically and be able to analyze that properly. So there's one approach. Second, communication and collaboration skills. I, of course, is not very good at communicating, collaborating with others. Humans will need to be able to communicate effectively with AI systems and with each other in order to work together effectively. For example, humans will need to be able to give clear and concise instructions to A.I. systems. They will also need to be able to interpret the information that A.I. systems provide. Additionally, humans will need to be able to work together effectively with A.I. systems to achieve common goals. Third, adaptability and resilience. The future of work is likely to be very fluid and unpredictable. Humans will need to be able to adapt to change quickly and be resilient in the face of challenges. For example, A.I. is likely to automate many routine tasks, which can lead to job losses in some industries. Humans who are adaptable and resilient will be able to find new jobs and learn new skills in order to stay ahead of the curve. So these are jobs that can be as as simple as fast food. Fast food industry has been very much in the approach of vastly approaching, I should say, two A.I. machines, where they're doing the cooking and the ordering, where they receive the orders and they process the food. But it's going to take someone to maintain those systems in place that continues to run smoothly. So someone that may be managing will be able to adapt and overcome situations and able to do those skills. Another approach will probably be in the form of, I would say, as in the supermarkets. Yes, there are supermarkets that will process the orders as well as even stock the shelves. However, this delivery and bringing those goods from truck inside the building also requires a technical skill. Not so much muscle anymore, but technical. Which leads me to technical skills. Technical skills. While A.I. is taking over many routine tasks, there will be still a need for humans. And with technical skills in areas such as software development, data science and engineering, for example, humans will be needed to develop and maintain the A.I. systems that are used in a wide range of industries. Humans will also need to be needed to analyze the data that is generated by A.I. systems and to use the data to make informed decisions. If you have a technical skill or you are young and you want to develop a technical skill, plumbing, electrician, these are these are careers that are put in place that what assumed and many, many years ago that I would replace, on the contrary, is replacing the white collar, but not the blue collar, those type of technical jobs. And those jobs are very much in demand. So these are type of careers that someone could look into and pretty much know that their job is secure. No one, no A.I. system within the next 5 to 10 years going to replace a plumber because a plumber is not just going to replace a toilet or fix some pipes. No. They also will work with things outside of the home that is required some for for more water flow to avoid flooding. They call plumbers for that. Those are technical skill. That you need to to develop and be able to to have a safe career. So these are, you know, a source of this is something that you can technically do and no pun intended, and you can thrive in that career. Next. Leadership and management skills. I will need human leadership and management to ensure that is used ethically and responsibly. Humans will need to be able to develop and implement AI strategies and to manage AI powered teams and projects. For example, humans will need to ensure that AI systems are not used to discriminate against people or to violate their privacy. Humans will also need to ensure that AI systems are used to benefit society as a whole. We in this podcast talk about ethics and morals, and if you are listening to this podcast, chances are you have good morals and good ethics. And I'm not saying that because I'm a bit biased because I am the host of this podcast, but because we do focus on critical thinking and we do talk about morals and ethics, and we try to develop a critical thinking society together. That's always been my my little button at the end of what I normally say in every podcast episode. But that doesn't mean it's not being truthful. It's very it's my whole hearted belief that a society that is of critical thinkers usually thrive now a leader. Now, if you have a leadership and management skill set and you can develop that, you can hone those skills and work in AI where you can make sure the artificial intelligence program is doing right by humans. We don't want people to go into leadership positions that are not ethical, not moral. All they care about is the money. And it gets to a certain point where the. How do I say? The. The end goals is more justified and then you know how you get there. So in other words, I'm trying to trying to articulate this the best I can. You're not being a jerk. The best way to put it. Where you're being selfish. I try to be as nice as I can be. You know, I don't want to insult anyone. But again, I doubt there's any jerks listening. And if they are, there's probably trolls. But that's okay. We don't listen to trolls anyway. Now. But now the point I'm trying to make is if you do right by others, by humans, and you develop A.I. or you work alongside A.I., you do right. By that, you are going to do just fine. So I am planning on creating an entire course on leadership, and I'm just wrapping up my critical thinking course as well. So be on the lookout for that. I will be posting that soon and I will let you guys know. So I would recommend before we move on to before we segway to some negative things to go to m a. Aponte a. P. O. N. T. E. Dot com. Register. So this way you're the first to know when the courses are up. And if you are a listener, I will make sure to get you those courses for free. I want you guys to listen. I want you guys. Again, I cannot stress this enough. We are trying to build a critical thinking society together. And why not? So I'm going to create a once I post that course, we should be able before the hopefully before the year is over. We will you know, we will have that up and then I'll be working on the leadership course and that should be out by the spring. That's my timeline right now. Now, let's segway to careers that are likely to be replaced by AI in the next 5 to 10 years. Hold on to your belts or your seats, because it's going to be quite the doozy.

M Aponte: All right. Go into my research. Number one, data entry clerks. Data entry clerks are responsible for entering data into computer systems. This is a repetitive tasks that can easily be automated by AI. AI systems can now read and extract data from scanned documents, images and emails with high accuracy. That means less of what they call the fat finger or, you know, human error because of AI. Customer service representatives. Customer service representatives handle customer inquiries and provide support. A.I. chat bots can now handle many customer service tasks, such as answering questions with excuse me, resolving issues and providing technical support. I'll even one up that there are now A.I. programs that answer the phone and they will talk to you as if they are human and they can determine whether or not you need an actual human, or they can talk to you about whatever need that you might have at the time. So they're already replacing your typical customer service representative, which leads me to something that I actually mentioned earlier, and that is cashiers, cashier, scan items, calculate prices and set payments from customers. However, AI self-checkout systems can now perform all of these tasks. They are they are stores that are being created that is not manned by anyone. There are stores that are just there open where people will get scanned in through their phones and they get whatever items they need. And then they scan and walk out and they have their items. They haven't spoken to anyone, haven't seen anyone. They just grab their items and leave. This is already implemented in, I believe Amazon stores the storefronts, but that is the future. So that is something that you need to be aware of, especially and I feel sorry for a lot of young people that may be listening that that would normally be their first job. That was my first job when I was a kid. So it's unfortunate. However, there are other ways of making money and we talked about some of them and that ability. You know, whether it's Uber driving or Uber eats, where you delivering food? I'm not I'm not promoting Uber, but I'm just stating, you know, a major company. So that is something to consider. Now, next. Bookkeepers bookkeepers are responsible for recording and reconciling financial transactions. Accounting software can now automate many bookkeeping tasks, such as reconciling accounts and generating reports. Next. This telemarketers. Telemarketers make calls to potential customers to sell products or services. AI powered telemarketing software can now make automated calls and follow up with leads. Believe it or not, there are A.I. programs that can do the telemarketing, do the cold calling, and try to find warm leads. How do you find how do you get warm leads from cold calls? Someone that is slightly interested? Once they show that they're slightly interested in a product or service that you're selling. Then it passes on that information, passes it on to you, the salesperson. So telemarketers are going to be out the window within 5 to 10 years. Next thing, which is kind of scary and kind of sad. Truck drivers. Truck drivers transport goods from one place to another. Self-driving trucks are currently under development, and they have potential to replace many human truck drivers in the next 5 to 10 years. This is the truck drivers on this list. I was reluctant to admit. I would say more on the ten year rather than the five year. And the reason why is because we have legislatures or lawmakers that are probably going to be very reluctant to change the law, that are going to demand a licensed, certified driver behind the wheel, even though they're not driving that vehicle at minimum. So having said that, I think truck drivers out of all out of the list will probably be more safe within the five years, within the five year mark. However, that does not mean that in the long term they're going to be around. So it's unfortunate. It's very sad. I have a very high respect for truck drivers, especially the ones that go cross-country to deliver goods. So this way people can have their avocado toast in the middle of winter. But but, yeah, that that's something to to consider. So in addition to these specific jobs, AI is also likely to replace many jobs in the following industries. Manufacturing air is already being used to automate many manufacturing tasks, such as assembly line work and quality control. Retail air is being used to automate tasks such as shelf stocking and inventory management, health care, and is being used to automate tasks such as diagnosing diseases and generating treatment plans. Transportation is being used to develop self-driving cars and trucks, financial services, A.I. is being used to automate tasks such as fraud detection and risk assessment. It is important to know that AI is not likely to replace all jobs within the next 5 to 10 years. However, it is important to be aware of the jobs that are likely to be replaced by air first and start planning for the future. And here are some tips. Not going to leave you guys stranded. Here are some tips for planning the future for work. One. Develop your skills in areas that are less likely to be automated by air, such as critical thinking, creativity and leadership. I told you I am developing a course. It's my own course. I actually developed a course very recently that will be out hopefully sometime in the spring is the estimated time, but it might change with the Tuttle Twins own critical thinking. So if you're a teenager, I'm going to recommend you keep an eye out for that. It is a critical thinking course that I created with the blessings of Connor Boyack, who saw all my work and believed in it and believed that it will be very beneficial to his readers. So watch out for that if you're an adult. I'm going to recommend you my course that I have developed. It will be an all major online online school like like Skillshare and what have you. I will have that up and I will have links on my official website. That's why I say Please, please, please go to the website. Register is free. I do not sell anybody's information. I only email and it's very rarely that I do. To be honest, it's kind of sad, but I rarely email. But when I do, it'll be emails on only information that I feel like everyone should be aware of. So you won't even get an email reminding you that there's a post on a new podcast episode because that's how limited my emails are. You probably get, if I can count how many emails you're probably if if that once a month. But other than that, I will also have a leadership course. These are going to be very important skill sets that you can show hiring managers that you have completed. This is a complete course with certification. I am not going to just give you a course and be like, well, you know, here's the end of the course. Wish you luck. No, this is very intentionally made with detail. So it's you're going to work. But it is for your benefit. So if you want the skill set, register for my website, be on the lookout for the critical thinking and creativity course as well as the leadership course. Next. Be prepared to learn new skills and adapt to new jobs. The one job I believe might be going away. It's kind of sad. But due to the and I'm saying this because when you have a hyperinflation or I should say stagflation and no one is acknowledging the no one of power is acknowledging the problem. A kind of it kind of comes to a point where you need to. You need to just. How do I say. You just got to adapt. And be able to to figure things out. Next thing, considering starting your own business or becoming a freelancer, once you have a skill set, you can teach others that skill set. When I say build a critical thinking society together, I don't mean me being some guru and you just sharing my information. I mean, you really, really trying to learn my information, learn from others as well, not just from me. And then you become your own person where you can teach others critical thinking and leadership. This is not about me. This is about legacy and. Planting trees that you will never get to sit and enjoy shade. That. That's what I'm talking about. You know, trees that you never get to see. Planting, you know, that's what I'm referring to. So build a legacy. You know, and it could be a business, whatever business it may be. But build something. Just. Just make it your own. Make your own. Remember your morals. Remember your ethics. And. Ill try to spread the love, spread the love of truth. And you'll just be critical thinkers, especially when it comes to this crazy world we live in. In this age of information. Now, by following these tips, you can prepare for the future of work and ensure that you are successful in the years to come. But start developing these skills now in order to prepare for the future of work. And one way you can do that also. And another plug in and shameless plug in by purchasing my book, The Logical Mind Learn Critical Thinking to make better choices which can be found on Amazon or any major online book retailer. You can also register to my website. Again, I'm going to plug it in because I do have those courses. I am going to be I'm going to make it available to everyone who has registered to the website. So it's m a aponte a p as in Peter O and t e dot com. So MAAPO N TE. So there's two A's. Don't forget that too. To register for free information and huge discounts on upcoming books and products that are focused on building your critical thinking skills. Thank you for listening to. Thinking. To think. I hope you enjoyed this episode about the skills and knowledge that will be in demand and the future of work. If you did, please share it with your friends and family. Thank you so much for your time. I love you. I thank you for all your your attention. And please don't forget to share, like subscribe and let's build a critical thinking society together.

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