Thinking 2 Think

Israel Palestine Conflict: The Morals, Its History, and the Current Situation.

October 15, 2023 Michael Antonio Aponte/ M.A. Aponte Season 2 Episode 1

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Get ready for a podcast that's not just about the headlines; it's about the heart of one of the world's most pressing issues. Join us as we unpack the gripping, real-world drama of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, exploring the moral choices, and modern-day complexities that matter to us all.

Think you've heard it all? Think again. Our podcast dives deep into the everyday impact of this age-old struggle and offers fresh, relatable perspectives. We're your bridge between the history books and the evening news, breaking down the conflict's ethical quandaries in a way that's anything but stuffy.

We're here to spark your curiosity, make you think, and provide a platform for your own critical reflections. It's your world; make sense of it with us.

Don't miss out on this eye-opening exploration of the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Tune in now and let's unravel the story behind the headlines together.

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Hello. Hello Hello, everybody. This is thinking to think. Today we're going to be discussing the craziness that's going on in Israel and Palestine, Gaza Strip. We're going to be discussing the moral issues, origins of the conflict and basically what's the current situation as of October 15th. So without further ado, let's get into it.

So the moral issues I think is best. Like I've been saying in our previous podcast episodes, we need to discuss definitions. You know, you need to understand clearly what you are here, what the other person's saying. So we're going to define morals right now. I have defined it before, but I'm gonna do it again. Morals is basically the standard of how you how you act and within a community. So it's basically your your community's beliefs, ethics, that type of nature. Okay. It's different from ethics itself because it is. Ethics is more of the self, whereas morals is the community way of life. So for example, one, the Aztecs, it was morally justified to to do certain sacrifices, certain rituals. Whereas other countries, it is moral to have the moral thing to do is to make sure your you do arranged marriages, that is and that's fine. That's morals. So now that we have that out of the way, this situation is, you know, a lot of people are saying it's moral. It's a moral issue, it's a moral situation like go, it's the right thing to do. Would, you know, go to Gaza. It's the wrong thing to do what they did before. We're going to get into all that. It's it's a bit complex. I'm going to simplify it as much as I can. So in Gaza, the you know, the moral issue was the that the treatment in Israel, this is the the argument from the Palestinian point of view that Gaza is basically a ghetto type of environment where they do not have the basic standards. Yeah, that is that is not indisputable. However, the in the Israelis point of view is that. They have been giving aid. But the local government, which is run by Hamas, is not providing that aid. They're taking it and using it for weapons. So Egypt and other countries are refusing to take in the Palestinians. It's very sad and their concern is very honeycomb, where they may have pockets of terrorists within the refugees. Now, that has happened in history and current history. So their concerns are legitimate in that sense. That's why nobody's protesting against Egypt and other countries. Now, when I hear about this complexity, I can't help but think of Thomas Jefferson's saying regarding slavery, it's like holding a wolf by the ears. So that's the predicament they were in. Now, this, you know, the whole protest that occurred over the weekend, protests and riots, I would say it's been kind of an eye opening in a sense that. A lot of people don't know what they're talking about. For example, I saw quieres for Queer for Palestine, except Palestinians have laws against LGBT Q activity and I'll get into that. But the, you know, you can die. They will kill you if you are part of that community and you live there or were there. Now in general, even visiting. So that goes without saying. There's a lot of nonsense going on. And I and I hate to say it nonsense, but it is we have to call it by by what it is. If you're going to protest of, you know, riot, if you know excuse me, let me take that back. Don't write. If you're going to protest, you need to you need to know what you're protesting about. You need to know. If you don't know and you're just going with the crowd and just trying to get, you know, social points, then I don't know what to tell you, except you're a useful idiot. So clearly, if you're listening to this episode, this episode or this podcast, you would know that you are not a useful idiot because you care about critical thinking. Now let's talk about the origins of this conflict. Now we're going to be focusing on the 20th century. However, this conflict, believe it or not, has been going on for over 5000 years. And I'd say that of 30, I believe it's around and that could be done the math from. But it's about 3500 B.C. when Israelis migrated from from the eastern part of Egypt and they moved across the desert and they and they went to Jerusalem. That's indisputable. I know it's in the Bibles and, you know, and and historical facts, but there's evidence this is not a this is not something that people are saying, oh, didn't happen. Like historians, archeologists, they found evidence that this is true. So having said that, the Muslim religion was established in the seventh century. Now, take a moment to think about that. That's around the year and the year 600. Around there, so they were there for a while. So this whole thing about all their stolen land, we're going to get to that. On why they're saying that now the the Muslims rose up amidst seventh century while the Roman the Roman Empire was kind of degrading at that time, at the same exact time. So these Muslim empires that were that were built, they basically crossed and pushed the Romans out of the Middle East because the Romans kind of like the United States was like the world police state in the world was a lot smaller. And I don't mean that literally. I mean that figuratively due to transportation and technology. But Rome had most of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. That was their territory. And it got pushed. It was the beginning of the end for Rome anyway, so it was bound to happen. So moving on now, we're going to go into the 20th century. Oh, and I forgot to mention the rule the Muslims pushed out. That is the Jews basically as part of this push for for land and conquer. So that is important to say. Now, the 20th century. Around 1917, British did the mandate, the Balfour Declaration. It was a promise to. It was basically a promise. It was a public pledge that. Basically to establish a a national home for Jewish people in Palestine. Now, it was an it was made during like World War One. World War One happened around nine, around 1914, 1918, and was included in the terms of the British mandate for Palestinian after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after World War One. So World War One gets a you know, Ottoman Empire gets dissolved, annihilated, and here comes, you know, like, okay, we're going to put this little piece of land now to give you some context of this little piece of land. It's not even for have to put it as a as I can. You can't even put it as a state. It would have to be like if you are from New York, it would be like the borough of Queens or Brooklyn and like, hey, there's your country. So it was small or a county depending on your county of New York of excuse me, of of the like Florida or whatever state you're in for a country is pretty much like a city, depending on your country size, of course. So it's really hard to try to you know, I'm trying to give you a visualization. And I will say a couple of a couple of hundred miles, if that. So that was their piece of land. Now, before we get into any further into. The 20th century history between what's going on in Israel. And again, we let's do some definitions now. Now we hear a lot of the term Zionism where Zionist Zionists are Jewish nationalist movement that has had its goal and this is from the Britannica. So it's not coming from me or some this Britannica. The goal, this national movement from the Jews for the creation and support of the Jewish national state in Palestine. The ancient homeland of the Jews at its Israel through Zionism originate originated in Eastern and Central Europe in the later part of the 19th century. It is in many ways a contribution of the ancient attachment of the Jews and the end of the Jewish religion to the historical religion. A region excuse me, region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion. So that's where it comes from. So this hills named Zion. There were like, this is going to be Jewish land for Jewish worshiping people. Those are Zionists. Okay, moving on. So in 1936 was the Arab revolt. Now, this is important. This plays a huge role on things that happen even today, the 1936 to 39 Arab revolt in Palestine, later known as the Great Revolt. I'll thora owl cobra. I could be butchering that. And I apologize for any anyone that's Arabic that just got their ears hurt. So I apologize. Or the great Palestinian revolt. So was a popular nationals uprising by Palestinian Arabs in mandatory Palestine against the British administration of the Palestinian mandate, demanding Arab independence and the end of the policy of open ended Jewish immigration and land purchases, with the state goal of establishing a Jewish national home. The uprising conceded with a peak in the influx of immigrant Jews somewhere around 60,000 that year. The Jewish population, having grown under British auspices from 57000 to 320000 in 1935. This is this is leading up to your World War Two. Okay. The Peel Commission happened. And they were wondering why this revolt happened. This is the Peel Commission and was a study on why the rebellion happened. The result was the age old story. Two peoples, Jews and Arabs, wanted to govern the same land. So their answer to this now, this is 1935. Two independent states with 80% land of 042 goes to the Arabs remaining and the remaining toe under British control. However, the the Arab tribes and nations rejected it completely. All right. This is going into world. This is like heating into World War Two. And when the axis, which is your Nazis and your. And your Italian fascist fascists. Was up against the allies. The Arabic countries allied with the Nazis. So you got to take that in. This is factual. This happens. This is in history books. If there are good history books. So there was even meetings of Adolf Hitler. A meeting with Arab leaders. So this is and there's pictures of them there talking. You see them smiling. It's a whole thing. Anyway, after World War Two and the creation of the United Nations in 1947, the U.N. voted to create two states. This is doing it again. Israel was original originally excuse me, going to to be two small pieces of the land around this size or smaller than Gaza today. So it was going to be small. The Arabs had no. Now, before I continue, I have to say I can't stress this enough. This is this is all factual. This is indisputable. Okay. Plus, any additional information that I'm giving you is going to be. It's going to be. From both sides. I'm taking it from both sides so I can give you this information. I'm not trying to, you know, give you propaganda or anything of the sort, and I'm going to get the propaganda when we talk about current events. But moving on. So the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon invaded the territory immediately. Immediately following the announcement of the independence of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. For Israelis, this was called the War for Independence. In their Declaration of Independence, they explicitly said, this is not for Batum, but it is said. And although it was it is a Jewish state, they welcome all, including Arabs. They Arabs will be treated the same. In 1949, as in I'm going to get to the Palestinian point of view. In 1949, Israel repelled the Arab forces in occupied area. We know as the West Bank and Gaza was actually and which was at the time occupied by Jordan and Egypt. All right. Now, here's the Arab perspective. Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians and captured 78% of historic Palestine. Now historic Palestine. Remember I did mention about the migration and that was 3500 B.C. But here we are. The remaining 22% was divided into the West Bank and Gaza Strip. That's indisputable. The Arabs also view this as a pest. Indians were expelled by Zionists forces and that the exodus of 1948 was the fulfillment of a long held Zionist dream to ethically ethnic Sydney, ethnically cleanse Palestinian so that the land could then transform into the Jewish majority state. Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world numbering about 12.4 million, mark the Nakba or Catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the near-total destruction of Palestinian society in 1948. So you see there's two histories going on. The only thing that they have that agree on is the fact that Israel won. At that, more so. But it was five countries also so that if you look at it, an illogical war tactic. That is insane. That is insane. In any case, moving on in 1967, Jordan, Egypt and Syria. For Israel, again, this is called the Six-Day War. This is where it gets even crazier. This let in six days. This led to Israel taking Egypt, all of Jerusalem, Gaza and and parts of Syria in a meeting. Israel was split on deciding what to do with the new territory. Now here are their choices either. And this is in exchange for peace. They will return the West Bank to Jordan and Gaza, to Egypt, or give the region Arabs the territory to build their own state. And the Arab League summit that year concluded. Now, this is the famous three no's no peace, no recognition, and no negotiations with Israel. And this ends with many countries around the the Abraham Accords with former President Trump. And I'm going to get to that to. In 1979, a peace deal was made that Israel will give the entire of Sinai Desert to excuse me. But shortly after. This is the Sinai Desert to Egypt. A shortly after the the Egyptian leader was assassinated. Like right after he broke from the three no's. So that's unfortunate. 1995. Oh, and they in Egypt did still keep the Sinai Desert. 1995, the Oslo Accords. Peace talks that were on and off that eventually led to the Camp David summit of 2000. Now, this is a president, former President Bill Clinton at the time. End to end this in this summit, Camp David summit for Barak, who was the Israeli prime minister, and Yasser Arafat, the. The PLO or the Palestine Liberation Organization chairman met with President Clinton at Camp David. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state. Of all of Gaza. 94% of the West Bank and east of Jerusalem as its capital. And a lot. Alpha and all, and in return be recognized as a Jewish state. The Israel. And piece of he said no. So I think Bill Clinton famously said in these 14 days, all all he said was no or something along those lines. But here's the thing. Shortly after those talks. There were a series of suicide bombings in Israel in 2005. Israel left Gaza. They left Gaza to take a moment to think about that. But the Palestinians turned Gaza to a base and launched attacks on Israel. And so Israel went back obviously in 2000, eight foot and mouth, offered a Palestinian state, offered additional land. Additional land. On top of everything else that was previously promised that no Palestinian in the Gaza Strip. 94% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. So they were going to offer more land. And it was rejected. So fast forward to President Obama during this administration. This is where it gets like really bad. Now. I'm not. I'm I'm. I'm not. I'm stating this as a fact, not as an opinion. When I say really bad is that it creates instability in the Middle East further. And I'm going to explain that for context. Okay. This is not my opinion. Okay. People that are reflecting on the decisions made are basically not happy with these decisions. So hindsight being 2020, Monday night quarterbacking, whatever you want to call it. All right. All right. So for in order to bring Iran to the fold. And we had problems with with I think it was the Saudis or anyway, more support for Iran was given to help balance the Saudis. But this created an issue which created an ongoing conflict in Yemen. So this is something that's going on. Even today, Saudis decided Israel was not the problem. Iranians are. So this is slowly leading up to the Abraham Accords. Okay. They gave money. They gave support to Iran. This is the United States. Which created instability in the Middle East, Iran and many countries. They don't get along. They do not get along. And I'm going to explain that a little bit further. Okay. In 2020. There's the Trump peace plan between Israel and Palestine was heavily in favor of more territory for Israel. Okay. But turn that cold peace to a warm peace between Israel Emirati and the the barren or the we know as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt became more favorable towards Israel due to the issues with Iran. So Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, the United Arab Emirates, they're not fans of Iran. And so they actually become a little bit warmer with the Israeli state. Now. Israel does have an Arab population and has recognized this. There is even a Supreme Court judge who is Arabic and Muslim. He's still in the east on the court. This leads up to the current situation which is gone full circle on why said the support that happened in Iran was actually not good. And I'm going to give you contacts with this. So far, disputes and claims. Israel Israel installed roadblocks after Hamas called for attacking Palestinian Jews in the streets. They were getting attacked. They were getting killed on take talk. They were getting you know, it was bad. And they're were being celebrated for attacking these Jewish Palestinians. They canceled their elections. Now, Hamas has, I believe, a two, four year term, and I could be mistaken, as you looked at before. But they do have a term limit in a certain amount of years per term. And. In that region. And they haven't. They've been in power for six years. Like they had no election. So, you know, again, when you see protests like oh, and you seen here in the propaganda about, oh, they're a democratic state and all this other things. There are other. They're either. Lying to you or they genuinely do not know that this has occurring. So when the riots happened in the border, they, by the way, got suspended again in another election that was supposed to occur when the riots happened on the border. This is where they put down their guns and everything. But what they did in return is they brought a bunch of rocks and stuff and they ride it at the border. So it is a riot. It's not it wasn't protest. Protest is peaceful. To show there were riot is where you're seeking violence within that within the peaceful group. And then you kind of break out and you want to cause damage. So. And many said they went over to the the Hamas went over to the Temple Mount, which is a holy place for Muslims. But the thing is, they had the Muslims had access to the Temple Mount and there's even videos and pictures of thousands of Muslims during I believe was Ramadan, not the previous Ramadan, like praying. So they had access to it. So it's I don't know why. You know, I'm I'm I'm confused because based on my research and I'm looking at Al Jazeera, I'm looking through, you know, CNN and I'm looking through all these things like, you know, BBC. And I don't know why. And I'm assuming it's social media that's infused, you know, that is flaming this lie. Because they had access. Since 1967. So in any case, Hamas took over the temple and began to attack police and which the Israeli shut down. And then they claim. That Israel's being aggressive. This is this feels very similar to the riots of 2020. And. I want you to take that in for a moment. She sure belongs to the Arabs, but the history claims it was also is really the shit shooter. I could be saying that wrong again. I apologize. It's not intentional. The claim is part of the deal, which was not meant. So they needed to evict people living there. So what? This was the issue. The area is basically because it was all it was Arab. But, you know, the dispute of who owns the land and property. They said, okay, well. You can live there, but it's kind of like a long term lease. You just got to pay rent to buildings. Nobody was paying rent. And they got evicted. So now they're saying that. They're kicking out a bunch of people and making them homeless and unlivable. So, yeah. Now, foreign aid was given to Gaza for years. Years. But Hamas government has been using the funding for weapons instead of building infrastructure. So here's the dispute that we're seeing. Okay. We have Israel. Stating that we're helping them, we're giving them support, but we have to give it to the government. And the government is saying it is taking it and using it for weapons. I mean, to be able to have to have barely any infrastructure and have poor living conditions, but yet able to afford rockets and put them in civilian, which they do. And it is a strategy. This is a known fact. This is undisputed. This is a known fact. They claim this. And I'm going to I'll get to that in a moment. That raises questions. Because logically that doesn't you know, you have to think critically. That doesn't seem to make sense. Meanwhile, the other side is saying they are not getting it. But yet several countries and organizations are saying they are. So there you go. Now, Hamas attacked Israel on on October 8th of 2023 using land, sea and air. More than 700 Israelis died. The number is kind of clouded. Some say 600 and something, some say 700, some say 1000. What's worse, they were attacked indiscriminately and women and children were kidnaped and brought back to Gaza. It is reported as of October 12th, 2023, that they were being used as human shields. And I believe on. October 13 or 14. Which of this recording is about? Yesterday or the day before that, the the military leader of Hamas was killed from Israel by Israel. So that, again, is a this is not just is it's not propaganda. Hamas has officially stated that they are doing this. They have, you know, people they have people and that they you know, they're not afraid to to kill them. And and what have you. So this is, again, in disputed. Now. There is fog of war. And what those fog of war mean basically is propaganda, not knowing all the information. There is a saying and and the saying goes in. I think it says something along the lines of in war. Truth is the first. Agility. I don't know. And I want to give credit. So let me look this up real quick on who said this. Oh, wow. Oh. S, uh, assiduous. Hmm. But I can't pronounce that personally. Wow. But that cannot. That that is so truthful. In war, truth is the first casualty. So we, as critical thinkers, have to take a step back. I could have recorded this podcast episode immediately as it happened. And gain. Thousands and thousands of more listeners. However, I didn't want to do that. And the reason why is because, first of all, you cannot just take things and face value. You have to analyze what's going on. Figure out why it's happening and make conclusions on yourself, you know? That's what we do as critical thinkers. You know, we cannot just emotionally be charged. My morals and ethics align with. You don't kill innocents. You don't you avoid innocents. You avoid as much innocent casualties in war as possible. But I do know that in history, war is ugly and it happens and it will happen and it continues because that is part of war. The videos and posted by both Israel. Israel and Hamas are tragic. Heartbreaking and infuriating. But. That's my morals and ethics. So I have to take a step back and give you guys as much truth as possible that I can, that I have to the best of my ability and have you guys think more critically so. You know. Last week or around this a few days after the attacks in Israel. Israel ordered the evacuation of over a million people in Gaza out. Hamas has ordered them to stay. That they will not leave. They are patriots and blah blah. That's their excuse. There's no way in history that 100% of any population in recorded history agrees with a particular government. There's some that will forcefully say they agree. But journals, primaries and other primary sources will will differ and secondary sources will say different in history. So I do not believe that every Palestinian is, you know, is Hamas, nor believe that, you know. Nor will I believe that every Hamas is Palestinian. But that's another conversation. But they have also a history of using civilians as shields. Gil They use for martyrs. Anyway, there were major protests throughout the world. Now this full circle. I mentioned I was going to speak about this. In favor of Palestinians quieres for Palestinian signs. That blew my mind because I know very well that there are certain countries that will kill you if you are part of the LGBTQ community Or at least arrest you. At least arrest you. Okay. BLM stating of decolonization. They clearly don't know history because. Who's to say it was the Palestinians that, you know, what are we basing it off of? And infuriates me when people say, oh, decolonization, like, who are you referring to? You know, granted, I can give you the whole like, oh, no, you know, Native Americans, you know. You know, where you know, when we're this is the United States is Native American land. I can get I can give you partial credit for that. However, to assume that every tribe was the same. Is insane and infuriating because that's very it's very racist, basically towards natives, towards indigenous people, because they had different cultures, they had different depending on the region, depending on the tribes. There were different there were different groups. That's like saying all Hispanics are the same and I'm Hispanic. That is insane. It's it's it's it's it's wrong. It's racist to even say that. So going back decolonization like who are referring to are you referring to the 20th century decolonization or we're talking about the first people. Because if you're talking about the first people. Jerusalem is Israel is the Jews. Okay. Are we? You know, if we're talking about the seventh century or the 20th century, I can. I can then. Okay. But what are you referring to? And if you're referring to 20th century history, but yet still say that. Native Americans. You know, we have to go by name like, you know, it doesn't really the conclusion does not represent the premises. It's not true. So it's not logical. So. The Democratic Socialists Organization. Now, this is your the squad, our card members. They're in full support of Palestinians. And just so happens that the the Congress members of those organizations are not saying anything. And sometimes silence. Like what? Like what? He said in 2020. Then the protests and riots sometimes silences. You know, is the one that speaks is speaking the loudest or support. So it's funny how when it's flipped on the far progressive left. That it becomes a paradox. They don't know how to respond. So in you know for for these groups I can't help but think is nothing but truth but power which is unfortunate it's unfortunate to those that do get to discriminate discriminated. And they use you know, these organizations use them to a to a clutch. And it's it's just so infuriating anyway. Now, should the United States. I'll go in with Israel and attack. Here's my concern. I am not a war. I'm not war drumming or anything of the sort. I'm not that I'm not some of these these idiots in the Senate that were saying we need to send troops and, you know go after. I'm not saying that. Not even the slightest. Here's what I am saying. We're going to base everything on facts. We have a lack of recruitment, the recruit, the recruiting issue we have for our military force. Is is a serious problem. Most young people are overweight and unhealthy with mental issues. They can even get into the infantry. They clearly lower their standards because some are. But. But that. That's. It's a problem when when you when a young man and I say young man, because relatively speaking, combat arms are usually heavily male. I know females can get into the combat arms. I'm not disregarding females, say males. So I'm referring to male because they're the majority of that group. Okay. So they can't even do 50 pushups. I am not of drafting age. I will say that I did the you know, I went into ROTC. I got commissioned that I ended up resigning my commission, a whole other conversation. But I can say this. I can do 50 push ups and no problem. And I am in my I'm I'm already in my forties, so I'll say that. So to say that an an 18 year old can't do 50 push ups, that's a problem. That's a serious problem. And then a lot of them have mental health issues. The stresses of training. And the stresses of war are very real. There's, you know, PTSD is very real. It is. It's it's frustrating. Now, having said that, we have in history now we talked about the recruitment problem. So we do not have boots. We do not have enough boots. To go on the ground. In history. Military overextended military do not work well they they fail in his we're talking about like from Alexander the Great going all the way to to excuse me to India. Overextending. We're talking about. The Nazi, the Nazis during World War Two trying to invade Russia. And then they had to worry about Britain and they never had to worry about the Americans. And that actually went to Africa first before they went to Normandy. Overextended. There's no I couldn't find any military. Rome was overextended. They had to deal with the barbarians in the north, and they had to deal with the Middle East. Overextended. This is this. We don't have the recruitment. We're overextended. As a military force and by going into the Middle East again. While Ukraine, which I haven't really discussed in this this podcast. And if you guys want to leave a comment, send the message. I would love to go over everything that it went over just like this. But regarding Ukraine, we cannot defend Taiwan. We can try with our Navy. Yes, that's true. But you need boots on the ground. Boots on the ground. It was they hold territory. They hold the line. So. Overextending. In World War Two, we had two fronts. The main focus was not the Pacific. It was. The European Front. We use the Pacific as a way to keep them away. You know, we was heavily Navy focus with Marines going island to island. But the Marines are not the branch that they are like they are today. That was not the case during World War Two. There were tough. I'm not. And please, Marines love you. My. You guys are awesome. I'm not. I'm saying the number. It wasn't like as many Marines. It wasn't as, you know, that type of thing. So now it's a fight. It's a great fighting force. If anything. The Army has a lot to learn from the Marines as far as how they've changed in this between these past four years. So having said that, during World War two, it was more like buffering. We weren't invading like Japan. Or anything of the sort. So. We weren't overextended. This is an overextension we would have to deal with Russia's allies because Russia's still focus on Ukraine. They got and by the way, I looked at the map. They got the territory they wanted. So I don't even know what's why. There's no peace. Talk is like blows my mind. But anyway, enough about that. The morale the morale is so low. I speak to soldiers all the time. And they everything I'm saying, they're saying the same thing. So. Which leads me to the last thing. My concern regarding our military and our our fighting spirit as a country is we have no unity. We are so divided among ourselves. Sun Tzu's Art of War is like is basically states the best war is the one they don't fight. So propaganda, everything that's going on that's dividing this country. It's working. I would if I was a betting man, I would say. No country will defeat the United States. The United States will defeat the United States. No country needs to raise a finger. Just let the crap continue regarding this unity. And that's a scary thing to think about. Which leads you know, which leads me to conclude and the last thing I'll say about this is. The. The pictures. I mean, with I generated pictures, I'm very skeptical. But the videos, the live streams, the things that I've seen, they are. They're really sad what's going on in the Middle East and in the Ukraine. I don't want this happening, but this is part of this the world we live in. I believe that. Wood. Jordan Peterson Dr. Jordan Peterson says that, you know, you got to be a monster. But you've got to. Be able to control yourself. I think that rings true. The only thing we can do is take care of ourselves. Take care of our families. Be critical thinkers know what's going on to avoid. Another repeat of the we're going to follow whatever the government says and just go into places where, you know, the government tells us to and be rah rah about it and for no reason except personal gain. So I ask you guys to take care of yourself, take care of others, and be critical thinkers. Think critically. I appreciate all of you. Share, please. Like five star. Share it. I don't pay for marketing at all. So the only thing I can do is ask you guys to just share this podcast. Help people become critical thinkers. Get them out of that weird mental bubble that they're in. And let's build a thinking society together. So thank you again. Oh, and last thing. And it's a plug. I wrote a book. It's called The Logical Mind. Learn to Learn to make better decisions through the critical thinking. It is on all your any of your bookstores that you like to buy a book. Just look for m a Aponte or you can just look for the logical mind. You should be able to find my book. It is. I like to say it's a great book and I worked really hard on it. I've been working on it for years, actually. That's one of the reasons why this podcast took a long break. That and I had another child and I was getting another degree, so. And I was running. I was helping running a school. So I'm. Yeah. Check it out. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I have great projects on the way. I'm very excited. I will be working with a great Organization. If you have children and you are have conservative libertarian values, I'm going to recommend the Tuttle Twins. And if you have teenagers, watch out for a course that I've created. I'm teaching coming next year. So be on the lookout for that. I will talk more about that. It's great. I've been working hard, working very diligently with Connor Boyack, the author and creator of the Tuttle Twins. So I am excited. I hope you're excited. Please again, share this podcast. Share this episode. Let's build a thinking society. I appreciate you. I love you guys. All of you are awesome and have a safe and wonderful day.

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